keskiviikko 20. elokuuta 2014


Hey human. Let's take a little look inside you, okay?

But where shall we begin? At first let's think about your tiniest toe. How it moves is amazing. Nerves, muscles.. Everything working together without you pushing them forward all the time. I know you know this but think! It’s just amazing!

What next… Maybe your stomach? All the food you eat is like gasoline. Some of it is your fuel some will be deleted as the exhaust gas. Not everything you put in your mouth is valuable for you but you don't have to sort it yourself. Your stomach will do it for you. You can just eat and enjoy. Amazing, isn't it?

How about your heart? Think that whole system it is up keeping. Whether it's broken or not your blood will still be flowing and lungs giving the oxygen you need.

Have you been thinking what kind of time bomb you are? In some special cases you'll be filled with outstanding energy. Your body will close all the useless doors and give you extra power so you fight or run.

What do you see when you stare at the mirror? It doesn't matter. Human is like a banana. The most important thing is under the peel.

You are truly amazing. You are beautiful.

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